Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.


Xenium Digital

The entire interior exudes a comforting warmth, enveloping you as you explore the space. A groove seamlessly traverses the area, adding a touch of uniqueness and character. At the entrance, stunning hanging lights captivate your attention, casting a soft glow upon arrival. The interior is thoughtfully adorned with pops of green through carefully placed fauna, infusing a natural and lively element. However, it’s the main cabin that steals the show with shades of pink, particularly focusing on the captivating allure of salmon pink, creating an inviting and serene atmosphere.


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Feasibility study
3D Visualizations
Interior design
Tailor-made Furniture design
Electrical/ Lighting design
Plumbing Design
Suppliers coordination
Technical supervision


Material selection

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